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During my graduate program at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism, I am continuing to pursue my passion of sports reporting through a variety of mediums.


I currently write for 247Sports as the head publisher of the Northwestern website. In this experience, I am applying skills I learn through the graduate program into my freelance work. You can find some of my best articles here.


Additionally, my experiences at Super Bowl LVIII provided immense growth in a professional atmosphere. Throughout my time covering the event in Las Vegas, I wrote and published three articles. However, what I take away most from this experience is a sense of confidence and comfortability in professional environments, knowing that my determination and hard work will allow me to succeed in any setting I enter.  


Beyond my work in print, I am also improving my skills as a multimedia television reporter and anchor. I am currently part of a team that produces a weekly newscast for Chicago Access Network Television. As a key component of the sports segment, I am keen on providing audience members with local sports news that is unique from other Chicago stations. 

When looking through my portfolio, you will see a journalist ready to enter the workforce. The passion I own for sports is what drives me to be a part of this action pack industry, and that drive and determination will remain constant as I continue pursuing my goals of working in sports media.  

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