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(USA Today) Mapped: Super Bowl 58 teams, 49ers and Chiefs, filled with players from across the country

(Medill Reports) Patrick Mahomes makes history, leads Chiefs to back-to-back Super Bowls

(The Journal Gazette) Drue Tranquill: From “Developmental Player” to Super Bowl LVIII

I'm Caleb Nixon, a sports media graduate student at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism.

During my one-year program, I am improving my journalistic skills in preparation for the workforce. Through experiences at Super Bowl LVIII, 247Sports and Chicago Access Network Television, I am already applying said skills in a professional atmosphere. My work spans across print, video and social media platforms. I am intentionally learning a diverse skill set, aiming to bring a multifaceted approach to future jobs. My passion for the industry is unwavering, fueled by the gratitude and joy I find in sharing the countless stories that sports generate with an affectionate and irreplaceable audience. 

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